• Industrial grade
    next generation optical fibers

  • Supplying 5G
    and other technological developments

  • Advanced optical fibers made available


New raport from Research and Markets. IPT Fiber one of the important players in the MCF market

Laying the Foundation Stone. STRABAG begins construction of Research and Development Center for Fiber Optic Technologies for Industry

Groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a Research and Development Center of Fiber Optic Technologies for Industry

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Specialty optical fibers
available for all

IPT Fiber is establishing own capability for developing and supplying the new generation of specialty optical fibers with high efficiency. Designed and built with advanced optical fibers in mind, our new Center will be tasked to make specialty optical fibers widely available for all customers.
With advanced optical fibers being vital for the introduction of new technology developments in telecommunications and industry, the demand for them is continuously increasing across the European and global markets.

We understand this demand very well. We will support and supply an outbreak of several new technologies with a range of readily-available advanced optical fibers for next-generation transmission and sensing. With complete solutions in mind, IPT Fiber will provide the fiber optics components necessary to fully exploit the potential of our fibers.

Our markets

The fiber optic market is forecast to reach USD 8 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of over 11% from 2018 to 2025.
This growth is being driven by powerful trends in telecom: FTTH and 5G network deployment.
Another important driver is the increasing use of fiber optic sensors and sensing systems.

5G and other high<br/>capacity telecommunication

5G and other high
capacity telecommunication

The 5G mobile network will open new horizons for millions of people by providing real-time access to information and entertainment and offering interactive capability for online services on an unprecedented scale. In order to make this vision real, telecom operators around the world need to upgrade their existing radio access networks to meet the more dense cell pattern and very high throughput requirements. This, however, relies on higher optical fiber densification as it requires fibers to reach every cell site. Mass scale 5G implementation is currently a challenge, as it is costly, time-consuming and troublesome with existing technologies. Together with still not completely satisfied demand for the wider presence of Fiber-To-The-X (where X can be Home, Building, Premises, Curb, Cabinet, Radio-head, Antenna, etc.), this gap in infrastructure creates a global market need for a new fiber-optic solution offering very high bit transmission capacity that is cost effective and compatible with existing infrastructure. Our customers in this market are network operators, integrators, data centers, and solution vendors.

Fiber optics sensing<br/>– for IoT, Industry 4.0 and AI

Fiber optics sensing
– for IoT, Industry 4.0 and AI

The value of the fiber optic sensing solutions market is expected to reach USD 1,7 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 19%. Optical fiber has some incredible advantages as a sensing element – it can take multiple measurements along its entire length; it’s easy to install even in the most restricted places; it’s free of electricity and immune to electro-magnetic fields. Thin fiber can be integrated with concrete, metal or composites for the structural health monitoring (SHM) of buildings or machinery. It can show the temperature distribution in oil wells, farming soil or permafrost. Fiber sensing supports Industry 4.0 transformation, including industrial IoT, as a single fiber can measure vital parameters along an entire production installation, providing the accurate data necessary for the automation and optimisation of processes. Fiber sensing greatly contributes to effective use of AI algorithms providing very large amount of data continuously acquired from installations and environment. For all these applications, an optical fiber serves as the key sensing element for an optical unit processing the light signal.


Microstructured optical fibers like the mulicore fiber require dedicated infrastructure differing from that needed for standard telecom fibers. Few manufacturers have such infrastructure, and none of them is able to draw microstructured optical fiber in sections longer than a few kilometers. Our new Center in Lubartów will be able to draw up to 50 km of multicore fiber and other advanced specialty fibers in one process.

Advanced Optical Fiber Center

IPT Fiber’s AOFC has been designed like no other facility for drawing optical fiber. The production installation has been carefully thought through. It will provide for all of the requirements for developing and manufacturing of special and advanced multicore fibres of the new generation. New processes will be developed and tested here. Our center will be ready on time with the capacity needed for 5G deployment and new industrial sensing solutions. The center is being created with the combined expertise of leading researchers and engineers in optical fiber design and a leading manufacturer of fiber production equipment. This will make possible the world’s first industry-grade manufacturing capability of advanced optical fibers and necessary fiber components for a variety of applications. There is also an advantage from being located close to Lublin with its Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS), a cradle of proprietary Polish optical fiber technology. For over 4 decades UMCS has been providing high quality research – and graduates – for the fiber optics sector.

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Sebastian Urban

Sebastian Urban


Since 2002, Sebastian has worked for international law firms, barristers chambers and international companies from the media and telecommunications sector in London and Warsaw (Clifford Chance, Allen&Overy, 4 Kings Bench Walk, 8 New Square, Orange Polska). In the years 2011 - 2015 he held the position of Legal Director at Discovery Networks, responsible for Central Europe. After 2015, Sebastian continued to advise the largest Polish and international companies and chambers of commerce in the media and telecommunications sector: PLAY Group (Iliad), Eleven Networks, Polish Chamber of Electronic Communications, Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Digital Europe. Sebastian is a Polish attorney-at-law and an English barrister.

Monika Kozak

Monika Kozak

Member of the Board

Monika has extensive experience in managing projects co-financed by the EU. She is responsible for the risk analysis area. Involved in the processes of monitoring the implementation, settlement, and control of projects. She gained professional experience in the logistics industry by managing teams of several dozen specialists. Since 2019, she has been involved in the construction project of the Research and Development Center in Lubartów.

UE funding

As an important industrial project our investment found support of the Polish government under the European Union’s funded Operational Program Smart Development.  


Projekt: „Utworzenie Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowego Technologii Światłowodowych dla Przemysłu” realizowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój
2. Oś Priorytetowa: Wsparcie Otoczenia i Potencjału Przedsiębiorstw do prowadzenia działalności B+R+I

Działanie 2.1: Wsparcie inwestycji w infrastrukturę B+R przedsiębiorstw


UE funding

Contact us

IPT Fiber Sp. z o.o.
e-mail biuro@ipt-fiber.pl

ul. Kowalska 5/203
21-115 Lublin, Polska

Biuro Budowy Centrum Badawczo- Rozwojowego
Technologii Światłowodowych dla Przemysłu
ul. Strefowa 6
21-100 Lubartów

NIP 7123357513
REGON 36906717100000
KRS 0000711326