On May 9, 2023, a ceremonial laying of the foundation stone took place in Lubartów for the construction of the Research and Development Center for Fiber Optic Technologies for Industry. The investment is being carried out by the STRABAG Company on behalf of IPT Fiber. Lubartów will become one of the most advanced centers in Europe for the development of next-generation fiber optic technologies.

The memorandum was signed and the foundation stone was symbolically laid by Jarosław Stawiarski – Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship, Krzysztof Witoń – CEO of IPT Fiber, Wojciech Trojanowski – board member of STRABAG, and Krzysztof Paśnik – Mayor of Lubartów.
„Każda inwestycja w nowe technologie na Lubelszczyźnie bardzo mnie cieszy. Jako województwo wciąż goniące inne regiony Polski czy Unii Europejskiej potrzebujemy nowoczesnych rozwiązań, które – o czym jestem przekonany – będą magnesem dla kolejnych potencjalnych inwestorów. Rozwój sieci światłowodowej to przyszłość i my, jako samorząd województwa, chcemy być jej częścią.” – powiedział, w trakcie uroczystości Jarosław Stawiarski, marszałek województwa lubelskiego.

In Lubartów, special optical fibers will be developed and manufactured, including the award-winning Polish seven-core fiber, which provides seven times higher bandwidth than commonly used standard telecommunication fibers. The fiber developed by IPT Fiber achieved record data transmission speeds during international tests and has the potential to meet global data transmission needs.
The investment is carried out by Strabag Company, which has been realizing the most prestigious and advanced construction projects in Poland for over 35 years. The total cost of the investment will amount to approximately 110 million PLN, with over 51 million PLN being subsidized from public funds. The completion of the investment is planned for the end of 2023. The center will commence operations in the first half of 2024 and is expected to employ over 50 people.